Forensic Science
Mr. Kahyon Freeman
Contact Information
Mail: White Oak High School Phone #: (903) 291-2016
Attn: K. Freeman Fax #: (903) 291-2034
200 S. White Oak Rd. Email: [email protected]
White Oak, TX 75693 Blog:
Remind Account: text @crime1920 to 81010 or (571) 512-7486
>To receive email reminds go to
Google Classroom Access Codes: 9m1ddl
Course Description
- Forensic Science is a course that uses a structured and scientific approach to the investigation of crimes of assault, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, accidental death, homicide, and the psychology of criminal behavior. Students will learn terminology and investigative procedures related to crime scene, questioning, interviewing, criminal behavior characteristics, truth detection, and scientific procedures used to solve crimes. Using scientific methods, students will collect and analyze evidence through case studies and simulated crime scenes such as fingerprint analysis, ballistics, and blood spatter analysis. Students will learn the history, legal aspects, and career options for forensic science.
- This course will count as 1 credit towards a student’s graduation plan.
Supplies for Class
Each student will need the following items for class:
- Composition Book
- 1 – 1 lb container of Disinfectant Wipes
- 2 rolls of Paper Towels
- Pencils/Pens
Class Rules
- Students will come to class on time, prepared and ready to learn.
- Students will be respectful and courteous to everyone and their things.
- There will be no use of cell phones, iPods, or other electronic devices while in this class, unless permission has been given from the teacher.
- Students will not horseplay in the classroom, lab, or shop.
Classroom Procedures
- Students will remain quiet while the teacher is giving instructions or teaching.
- Students will be expected to dress according to the White Oak High School dress code.
- Students will be expected to wear proper safety attire and equipment, or other designated dress, while performing labs, competing at contests, or attending conventions.
- Students will turn in their work on or before the designated due date.
- Students will not be allowed in the teacher’s chair or desk without permission.
- Students will refrain from cursing, using derogatory slurs, or any other inappropriate language.
Cell Phone, iPod, & Other Electronic Devices Policy
- Students are not allowed to use their cell phones, iPods or other electronic devices while in this class, unless the teacher has given specific permission that it is okay to do so.
- If a student is caught using or with their electronic device out, without permission, their device will be taken up and the student will have to follow White Oak ISD procedures to get their device back.
Plagiarism & Cheating Policies
Plagiarism – (as defined by Webster Dictionary) to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another person, as your own.
- Any student caught plagiarizing the work of another on any assignment, will receive a zero for that assignment and asked to get a parent’s signature verifying that they have knowledge of the plagiarism.
- An example of plagiarism would be copying and pasting an article from a website and submitting it as your own original work.
Cheating – (as defined by Webster Dictionary) to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud: to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice: to violate rules dishonestly.
- Any student or students caught cheating on a test, quiz, worksheet, or other assignment, will receive a grade of zero for that assignment and the student’s parents will be contacted about the problem.
- An example of cheating would be copying another student’s answers on a test.
Attendance Policy
- Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.
- It is the student’s responsibility to ask for and collect from the teacher any missed work, when the student is absent.
- Any student who is absent for class will get one day per day absent to complete any missed work.
Grading Policy
- Students must put their name on all assignments. Five (5) points will be deducted from an assignment if it is missing any of the above required information.
- Grades for this class shall be broken down into Daily, Lab, and Test grades.
- Daily grades will consist of worksheets, notes, composition book activities, and quizzes. Daily grades will count for 20% of the final grade.
- Lab grades will consist of lab activities, class participation, and lab reports/assignments. Lab grades will count for 40% of the final grade.
- Test grades will consist of tests, activities notebook, and labs. Test grades will count for 40% of the final grade.
(Your Test Grade X .4) + (Your Daily Grade X .2) + (Your Lab Grade X .4) = Your Final Grade
- Make-Up Tests: Students who fail a test may, if they so choose, make up the failed test for a grade of up to 70. Students must complete the make-up test within the time allotted by the teacher.
Late Work Policy
- Daily Assignments: No late daily assignments will be accepted for full credit. If the assignment is one class day late a 30% reduction in grade will be applied to the student’s assignment, for a grade no higher than 70. If the assignment is two class days late a 50% reduction in grade received will be applied, for no higher than 50. After three class days the grade is a zero. No late work will be accepted after three days. Work is considered late if not turned in at the beginning of the student’s scheduled class period or when the teacher announces the deadline for submitting work.
- Lab Assignments: Students submitting lab activities one day late will receive a 25% reduction in grade received, for a grade no higher than 75. If the assignment is two days late a 50% reduction will be applied, for a grade no higher than 50. After three days the grade is a zero. No late work will be accepted after three days. Work is considered late if not turned in at the beginning of the student’s scheduled class period or when the teacher announces the deadline for submitting work.
- Project-Based Evaluation Assignments: Students submitting project-based activities one day late will receive a 25% reduction in grade received, for a grade no higher than 75. If the assignment is two days late a 50% reduction will be applied, for a grade no higher than 50. After three days the grade is a zero. No late work will be accepted after three days. Work is considered late if not turned in at the beginning of the student’s scheduled class period or when the teacher announces the deadline for submitting work.